

RS 101 Peace and Justice Studies
RS 105 World Religions
RS 300 Living Myths
NAS 302 Oral Literature & Oral Tradition
RS 302 Cults, Clubs and New Religious Movements
RS 305 Yoga: Spiritual Practice and Applied Health
RS 332 Islam
RS 393 Religion in Myth, Culture & Experience: Special Topics
RS 394 City of 10,000 Buddhas Weekend
RS 394 Zen Experiential Weekend
RS 394 Evangelical Christianity Experiential Weekend


RS 104 Asian Religions: Exploring Buddhism
RS 105 World Religions
AHSS 201 Evolution, Creation, and the Robot Apocalypse
RS 301 Religion in America
RS 306/HIST 306 God and Kings in the Ancient Near East
RS 341 Spiritual Traditions of India 
RS 361 Environment and Religion
RS 394 City of 10,000 Buddhas Weekend
RS 394 Tibetan Buddhism Weekend
RS 394 Jewish Spirituality Weekend

Click here for the most up to date course rotation.

 Quick Facts

  • Most courses are 3.0 units.
  • Experiential Weekends (RS 394) are 1.0 units and can be taken multiple times for credit.
  • Complete 33 units for the major or 18 units for the minor.
  • RS is designed to work as a double major option for students in Biology, Psychology and Anthropology. To see an example of a RS Major Academic Plan that is compatible with Biology, Psychology and Anthropology, click here.